ABA Journal

tour update

Rebels in the Heartland Features Unique Solo Storytelling Project

By Molly McDonough

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A few months ago as we were mapping out our 2010 Legal Rebels project, this time focusing on the solo practitioner, we learned about an exciting new project that kicks off Aug. 1.

A few months ago as we were mapping out our 2010 Legal Rebels project, this time focusing on the solo practitioner, we learned about an exciting new project that kicks off Aug. 1.The project started out as a beefed-up road trip. Two entrepreneurial East Coast solos who met online would meet up in the flesh in Minneapolis, rent a car–sadly no convertibles were available –and make their way through three states and two solo/small firm conferences, tweeting up with solos along the way.

But for Carolyn Elefant and Lisa Solomon, a simple road trip wasn’t enough. As they started planning, their collective creative juices started flowing. The result is what they hope to be a long-term video project—SoloCorps—aimed at, as Lisa writes over at MyShingle, capturing on camera “the rich range of experiences of solos and small firm lawyers across the country.”

We were delighted when Carolyn and Lisa agreed to let us follow along as they introduce their innovative project and journey to meet some of the lawyers who practice day in and day out in rural, suburban and urban Middle America.

In the coming days, we’ll track their progress here and on Twitter (hashtag #SoloHeart) and Facebook, from their Aug. 1 landing in Minneapolis to attend the Strategic Solutions for Solos & Small Firms Conference in Duluth, Minn., to their final destination near Omaha, where they’ll be presenting programs at the Nebraska State Bar Association Solo & Small Firm Conference.

At each location and en route, they’ll interview solos about their practices, challenges and inspirations. Those who want to schedule time to meet with the SoloCorps duo can reserve a spot on their Solos in the Heartland Tungle calendar.

Check back at Rebels in the Heartland for updates from the road.

In This Podcast: