ABA Journal


Now’s the Time for Solos to Reach for the Cloud

By Kenneth Gray

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Editor’s Note: We asked solo practitioners to write an essay or record a video telling us how they innovate. Specifically, they were asked to answer this question: “What innovation will be most valuable to you in your future practice as a solo practitioner?”

Editor’s Note: We asked solo practitioners to write an essay or record a video telling us how they innovate. Specifically, they were asked to answer this question: “What innovation will be most valuable to you in your future practice as a solo practitioner?” The author of the best submission will get a check for $5,000. This year’s winner will be announced Friday, Oct. 1. And Monday through Thursday, we’re posting submissions from the runners-up.

In the below video, solo Kenneth Gray talks about how cloud computing impacts his legal practice and how he believes it can improve the practice of law for all solo practitioners.

Kenneth Gray is a solo practitioner in Washington, D.C.

In This Podcast: