By Kerry McEniry, Carrie Schadle and Amy Schumacher
As the deadline for the ABA Journal’s Peeps in Law Diorama Contest quickly approached, we wondered whether, as officers of the court and not Broadway set designers: could we ever taste that sickeningly sweet marshmallow nectar of peeps diorama success? Tossing our billable hours to the wind, we doubled our dioramizing resolve to execute “My Peep Vinny” as a tribute to the film’s 20th anniversary and to those who thought that a movie clip would somehow make their CLE presentation interesting.
We used the spirit of Vinny’s trial preparation to guide our construction—make the most of what you have. We completed our diorama in a single afternoon using no substantive law whatsoever, cutting scraps from Goodwill-destined swim trunks, fashioning peep wigs from peel-and-stick mustaches, repurposing part of a trash bag found while walking the dog, and requisitioning a reluctantly-donated Neiman’s shoebox to house it all.
Detail Shot #1