Judge Bernice B. Donald, 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Cincinnati: Judge Philip Banks, or ‘Uncle Phil’ from the sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996), embodies the balance we all hope to strike between influencing our profession and staying true to ourselves. Uncle Phil went from farm boy to ambitious student, prominent lawyer and, finally, at the height of his career, judge. He reminds us that though we may physically depart from our humble roots, the lessons we have learned and the bonds we have formed in our youth are foundational for our career growth. Just as Uncle Phil regularly tosses the loveable but irritating Jazz (played by Jeffrey A. Townes) from the house, we may periodically feel the urge to fling a few ambitious, yet exasperating, litigants from our courtrooms. We are, nevertheless, honored and proud public servants. We are privileged to enjoy the benefits of our status; however, at our core is a deep and zealous love for not only our profession but also our families and communities. And our duties do not end when we step off the bench. Just as Uncle Phil counseled his occasionally naive and often mischievous nephew, Will, through young adulthood, we also serve our legal community by mentoring new budding and precocious lawyers and law clerks, forming a strong foundation for the future of our legal system.
Attribution: Photo illustration by Brenan Sharp; photographs courtesy of Cinematerial; MPTV Images.