ABA Journal

Latest Features

Patent Pushback

The Federal Circuit gets the message, may be loosening patent protections

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Seven lawyers who started the blawg revolution

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ABA Journal Blawg 100

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Geoffrey Fieger’s fiery tongue has earned him millions. Now it could cost the Detroit lawyer his career.

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Profs Kibosh Students' Laptops

More law schools are banning them as a distraction—or worse

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A Shot at the Second Amendment

If the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a right to bear arms, the decision may be in spite of the powerful NRA gun lobby—not because of it

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Top 10 Ethics Traps

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Plaintiff to RIAA: Download This!

Accused of online music theft, Oregon woman strikes back

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Beast Practices

High-profile cases are putting plenty of bite into the lively field of animal law

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Paying Politics

When it comes to campaign donations, lawyers lead the pack

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