ABA Journal

Latest Features

What's in a Name?

Publicity rights lawyers are finding there’s plenty of value in a growing practice

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CSI Breakdown

A clash between prosecutors and forensic scientists in Minnesota bares a long-standing ethical dispute

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Smothering Mothering

‘Helicopter parents’ are landing big in child care cases

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Breaking China

WTO complaint could end the ‘Great Firewall’ Internet ban

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Family Ties

The private and public lives of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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By Dawn's Light

A 3L comes to understand the ‘general republic’

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The Immune Response

The Supreme Court may tell families with autistic children whether they can sue vaccine makers

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Grave Encounters

Al Snyder’s son died a Marine, but his funeral has become a First Amendment issue

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Benched Coaches Shooting Back

More college coaches aren’t letting their dismissals become the last goal

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Taking Their Pains to the Clinic

Legislators punish law school clinics for suing community businesses

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