ABA Journal

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The Pedigree Problem: Are Law School Ties Choking the Profession?

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Insider Threats: Experts Try to Balance the Constitution with Law Enforcement to Find Terrorists

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The Threat from Within: What Is the Scope of Homegrown Terrorism?

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Get Out of Jail--But Not Free: Courts Scramble to Fill Their Coffers by Billing Ex-Cons

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Occupy the Courts: The Nationwide Movement Has Left a Mixed Bag of Legal Results

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Pruning the Judicial Branch: State Laws Target 'Activist Judges'

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The Lawyers of Watergate: How a '3rd-Rate Burglary' Provoked New Standards for Lawyer Ethics

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Probing Questions: Experts Debate the Need to Create Exceptions to Rules on Coerced Confessions

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Should We Create Exceptions to Rules Regarding Coerced Interrogation of Terrorism Suspects?

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Help in KIND: Group Guides Pro Bono Attorneys Serving Unaccompanied Child Immigrants

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