ABA Journal

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One-Hit Wonders

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Social Promotion

Social network sites work for you, but only if you work at them

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The ABA Gets Social

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Ann Althouse Reads With an 'Eye for the Bloggable'

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To Ernie Svenson, Blogging is 'Largely a Selfish Activity'

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Paper Chase is 'Doing Public Service,' Sharing Info Real Time and For Free

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A Career Seized by the Horns

How to find fulfillment in only 18 hours a day

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Spy vs. Spy

In a South American caper, one agent turns in another and claims $5 million bounty

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Keeping a 'Snitch' from Being Scratched

Witness intimidation is gaining even as the murder rate declines

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The Pre-emption Prescription

The FDA is claiming total responsibility for drug and medical device safety. Some think it’s a bad idea.

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