ABA Journal

Latest Features

Vouchers Tested

School Vouchers Are Facing a Different Set of Legal Challenges in State Courts

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Hardier Stock

Ex-Enron Workers’ ERISA Suits May Reach Where Securities Laws Don’t Go

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Board to Pieces

Fewer Partners Are Serving on Corporate Boards, and Many Firms Like It That Way

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Miranda’s Reprieve

How Rehnquist Spared the Landmark Confession Case, but Weakened Its Impact

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Case-By-Case Tort Reform

Firms Push to Challenge Common Law Before New, Business-Friendly Judges

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The Search is On

Who’s Watching The Watchers?

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Private Lives

More Judges Are Keeping Juries Anonymous, but Others Are Worrying About Accountability

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The Great Divide

Partners and Associates Are at Odds Over Opposing Approaches to Work, Play and the Practice of Law

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Betting on Their Future

Flush With Casino Cash, American Indians Are Laying the Creative Legal Groundwork for New Ventures

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How Best to Build a Lawyer?

Ideas Float about Changing Law School and Bar Exams, But Few Show That They Have Sticking Power

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