ABA Journal

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Heat-of-passion defense no longer available in slayings after infidelity disclosure, top state court says

The top court in Massachusetts has ruled that a murder defendant who kills a partner after being told of infidelity can’t use a heat-of-passion defense to lower the charge to voluntary manslaughter.

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Lawyer profits at major firms slide with big drop in productivity in fourth quarter of 2022, new report says

Law firm productivity in the fourth quarter of 2022 decreased 7.2% since the same period in 2021, a decline“equal to the depths of the pandemic lockdown,” according to a report released Tuesday.

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Lawyers are twice as likely to have thoughts of suicide, new study finds

A recent study of California and Washington, D.C., lawyers found that lawyers are twice as likely as the general population to experience suicidal ideation.

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Judge sanctions Facebook and BigLaw firm $925K for 'delay, misdirection and frivolous arguments'

A federal judge in San Francisco has ordered Facebook and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher to pay a sanction of $925,000 for an “unusually egregious and persistent” effort to use “delay, misdirection and frivolous arguments to make litigation unfairly difficult and expensive for their opponents.”

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Law school named in honor of Black attorney in what may be second time in history

The Florida St. Thomas University College of Law recently announced that it would be adding Benjamin L. Crump to its title in recognition of the Black civil rights lawyer.

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Breaking up is hard to do, Greenberg Traurig learns after finally succeeding in dropping rapper Ye

Greenberg Traurig has finally served notice on rapper Ye that it is dropping him as a client. The law firm was able to serve the rapper formerly known as Kanye West with the help of a California lawyer.

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Judge accused of using role as charity trustee to donate money to courts, juvenile justice center

An ethics complaint has accused an Indiana judge of using his role as a sole trustee for a charitable foundation to pay for tile work and car purchases provided to local courts by his father’s companies.

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Ex-judge is suspended after secret recording by possible rival candidate revealed threat

A former judge in Missouri has been suspended for at least two years after he was recorded threatening to reveal the affairs of a rival’s husband if she ran against him in the judicial election.

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How the US influenced the creation of Nazi race laws under Hitler

Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers in the 1930s fashioned race laws that were designed to degrade and deprive Jewish people of all rights. At the same time, American laws often enshrined white supremacy and discriminated against non-whites, and Black Americans in particular were treated as second-class citizens.

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ABA resolves to 'take a leadership role in opposing antisemitism'

Citing events like the 2017 riots in Charlottesville, Virginia; the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol; and recent synagogue shootings in Pennsylvania and California, proponents of Resolution 514 asked the ABA to formally condemn antisemitism.

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