ABA Journal

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What cybersecurity threats do generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT pose to lawyers?

Experts say these chatbots could supercharge a host of other security threats, including phishing, social engineering and malware.

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Expert can’t offer ‘unqualified opinion’ that crime scene bullets match suspect’s gun, top state court says

A ballistics expert can testify that bullets at a crime scene are consistent with patterns on bullets fired from a suspect’s gun but can’t offer an “unqualified opinion” of a match, the Maryland Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

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Joe Bell fights to open cold case records of a 1946 mass lynching

At a 2008 American Bar Association event in Washington, D.C., Joseph Bell Jr., an attorney with a keen interest in discrimination cases, first met author Anthony Pitch, a historian and authority on President Abraham Lincoln. A friendship developed.

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LGBTQ rights should be protected with 'proactive policymaking,' ABA entity leaders urge

Nearly a decade ago, one of Bobbi Bittker’s three kids came out as transgender. While she and her family were supportive, she quickly understood other LGBTQ kids were rejected by their families or denied access to vital medical and legal resources. That deeply bothered Bittker, an attorney who has long been passionate about civil rights.

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Supreme Court rules for prosecutors in venue case that might have influenced Trump charging decision

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a criminal defendant can be retried in a new venue if the first trial was held in the wrong place.

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Indian adoption law upheld by Supreme Court, but equal protection issue remains undecided

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a federal law giving preferences to tribes in Native American adoptions but left consideration of challengers’ equal protection argument for a future case in which plaintiffs have standing to raise it.

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University of California College of the Law unveils justice tech startup program

The LexLab center at the University of California College of the Law at San Francisco has announced a new program to support justice tech startups.

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How could alternative licensure alter lawyer labor supply? Law prof's research may have answers

If jurisdictions eliminate the bar exam as an entry to attorney licensure, the labor supply of lawyers would increase by 16%, according to new research by an associate professor at the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis.

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Banana-on-wall artwork didn't infringe another artist's work, federal judge says

A federal judge in Miami has tossed an artist’s lawsuit contending that his copyrighted artwork consisting of a plastic orange and a banana duct taped to a green panel was infringed by a second banana display.

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Misogynistic rap music in workplace can constitute sex discrimination, 9th Circuit says

Sexually derogatory and violent rap music played in the workplace can foster a hostile work environment that constitutes sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, a federal appeals court has ruled.

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