ABA Journal

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Towering Titans

LexisNexis and West Are Still Battling for Dominance

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DNA Dragnet

Critics Say Police Employed Heavy-Handed Tactics to Coerce More Than 1,200 People to Give Genetic Samples in the Search for a Serial Killer

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The Court Comes Together

A New Chief Justice Led a Fractious Supreme Court to Unanimity in Overturning Segregation

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Making Brown Real

A North Carolina Family Fought Threats and Intimidation After Suing to Integrate Schools

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Are Schools Returning to the 1950s?

A Harvard Study Shows Mixed Results in Integration, With Many Public Schools Becoming More Polarized

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Too Much Information?

County Clerks Tussle With Nervous State Officials Over Posting Court Records Online

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Gambling On Casino Cases

Compulsive Rollers Are Suing the House, Betting That Courts Will Find Casinos Liable

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Executive Decisions

Supreme Court Considers Presidential Power’s Limits in War on Terrorism

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Opening Sentences

While the Feeney Amendment’s Tightening of Federal Guidelines Has Judges Steaming, States Are Moving to Loosen Up Strict Regimens

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Zoning Gets Religion

Land-Use, Prisoner Cases Likely to Revive Dispute Between Congress and High Court

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