ABA Journal

Latest Features

Hearsay, Gone Tomorrow

Domestic Violence Cases at Issue as Judges Consider Which Evidence to Allow

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Back from the Brink

These Five Firms Had to Change Their Direction to Change Their Fate

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Bullet Proof

Can We Really Say Where a Particular Bullet Came From?

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M.D. With a Mission

A Physician Battles Against Colleagues He Considers Rogue Expert Witnesses

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Case Closed. Now What?

Lawyers Who Have Taken on Time-Consuming Litigation Share Their Strategies for Surviving and Even Thriving

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Executive Decisions

Not Since Nixon Has the High Court Offered so Many Rulings on Presidential Power

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Back from the Brink

After the Bubble, Silicon Valley Finds a Kinder, Gentler Brand of Lawyering

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The Changing Face of Gay Legal Issues

Lawyers Advising Clients Face Uncertainties on Issues Ranging From Parental Rights to Estate Planning

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A Question of Class

White-Collar Lawyers With Blue-Collar Backgrounds Often Straddle Dissimilar Worlds

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High Marks

Members of Online Law School’s First Graduating Class Are Off to a Good Start

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