ABA Journal

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Celebrity Justice

The Rich and Famous Get Star Treatment, Creating the Appearance of a Two-Tiered Court System

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Flying Under the Radar

After Percolating Quietly, These Legal Issues May Grab Headlines in 2005

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Foolish Like a Fox

War Crimes Defendants Who Represent Themselves May Seek a Soapbox

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IRS Gets Tools In New Law

Tax Bill Has Corporate Focus, But Individual Taxpayers Also Will Be Affected

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Flip Sides

California Marijuana Law Tests High Court Conservatives’ Commitment to Federalism

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The Top Ten in Tech

It’s Not Just What Stuff You Use, But What You Do with It

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The Subtle Art of the Party

New Themes and Moderation Rule the Day at Holiday Celebrations

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A Win-Lose Situation

Tax on Attorney Fee Can Force Plaintiffs to Pay More Than They Are Awarded

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Cautiously Corporate

In the Sarbanes-Oxley Era, Lawyers Still Go In-House But Enter Carefully

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Closing the IP Gender Gap

In a Male-Dominated Practice Area, Women Lawyers Begin to Gain Ground

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