ABA Journal

Latest Features

Stating the Obvious

Next Big Issue: Can an Invention Be Denied a Patent ‘Just Because It’s Stupid’?

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Tort Reform Texas Style

New Laws and Med-Mal Damage Caps Devastate Plaintiff and Defense Firms Alike

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Rogue Jurors

Jurors With an Agenda Can Batter Justice, and Experts Fear There Are More Than We Suspect

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Deja Vu Once Again

Despite New Faces on the Supreme Court, Term’s Ending Is Familiar

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Doubt and DNA

In a Case About New Evidence, High Court Looks to the Future of Innocence Claims

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Troll Control

The Supreme Court’s eBay Decision Sets Back Pesky ‘Patent Trolls’ or American Innovation, Depending Upon Which Side You’re On

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Stressing Yourself Sick

The japanese have a word for sudden death from overwork: karoshi.

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Personalized Prescriptions

Legal Actions Will Help Determine the Success of Using Genetics to Improve Drug Treatments

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Making Rain on the Net

Today’s Web Offers a Wide World of Marketing Tactics, if You’re Savvy

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The HIV Conundrum

Medical Advances in the 25-Year Battle Against AIDS Make Lawsuits Over Workplace Bias More Difficult

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