ABA Journal

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Retired, Then Re-Energized

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Real Lawyers, Real Solutions

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Downloading a File of Copyright Woes

Google’s buyout of YouTube shows federal law still lags behind technology

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Fantasy Life, Real Law

Travel into Second Life––the virtual world where lawyers are having fun, exploring legal theory and even generating new business

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A Tangled Trail of Discovery

How a special master’s sleuth work helped resolve a business dispute

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The D.C. Power Web

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High Court Holds a ’60s Revival

Warren era comes to life in cases on student signs and standing to sue

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A Privilege to Serve

Battle over legal aid funds spills over to attorney client confidentiality

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Knockoffs Landing on Retail Shelves

Lawsuits claim fake luxury goods are showing up at chain stores

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Violation or Salvation?

Prosecutors say it’s a sex crime. Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs says it’s counseling his flock.

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