ABA Journal

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Legal Rebels

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For State Prisons, West Isn't Best

California clogs its jails while New York’s court reform frees funds

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The Long Dubai

Even in the business-friendliest Mideast, arbitration can take forever

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A Death in the Office

Mark Levy had talent, a top-flight resumé and friends in high places. But when he lost his job, none of that was enough.

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Legal Rebels

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Green Achers

The lure of BigLaw and big cities may stir some. But for a certain solo breed, the small town is the place to be.

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So You Want to Go Solo? You Sure?

Here are the tasks you need to master to live the shingle life

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Home Settling

Foreclosure mediation grows, but some wonder if it’s the best option

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Legal Rebels

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70 Sizzling Apps

Pump up your PC, PDA and smartphone with these lawyer-friendly favorites

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