ABA Journal

Latest Features

Uneasy Targets: How Justifying the Killing of Terrorists Has Become a Major Policy Debate

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Life from Death Row: Inmates Want to Donate Organs, But State Disagrees

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A Smokin' Body: Cancer Images Are Lighting up a First Amendment Blaze

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Washed Away: As Sea Levels Rise, Island Nations Look to the Law to Fend off Extinction

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Facing the Alternative: How Does a Flat Fee System Really Work?

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Show Me the Money: States, ABA Try to Figure Out When Campaign Cash Leads to a Judge’s Recusal

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Good Cop, Bad Citizen? As Cellphone Recording Increases, Officers Are Uneasy

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Playing on Home Court: New York and Delaware May Lose Their Grip on Bankruptcy Cases

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Patriots Debate: The Meaning of the Constitution in a Time of Terror

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Constitutional Dilemma: The Power to Declare War Is Deeply Rooted in American History

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