ABA Journal

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Will those who led the financial system into crisis ever face charges?

In 2005, when the impending financial crisis was obvious to some and under the radar to many, Bill Black published a book laying out his theory of control fraud, his criminological term for looting a corporation from the inside. Read this ABA Journal feature recently honored by the American Society of Business Publication Editors.

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Databases create access to police misconduct cases and offer a handy tool for defense lawyers

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Can patent laws halt the reselling of used ink cartridges? Federal Circuit to consider

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China's latest crackdown on lawyers is unprecedented, human rights monitors say

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Metrics can tell the tale of a firm's fate

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Sealed Windows

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FAA claims that airplane ride-arranging sites violate federal regulations

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Tug-of-war over interpretations of patent law continues between Federal Circuit and SCOTUS

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15 signs you may be an introvert

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Most lawyers are introverted, and that's not necessarily a bad thing

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