ABA Journal

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Exxon can't use 'right of petition' law to block climate change suit, top state court rules

The top court in Massachusetts on Tuesday refused to dismiss a lawsuit contending that the Exxon Mobil Corp. misled consumers and investors about the impact of climate change.

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Federal judge greenlights legal tech company's use of nonlawyers for legal advice

A legal technology company’s use of nonlawyers in a program helping New Yorkers facing debt actions likely does not violate the state’s unauthorized practice of law rules because it is protected speech, a federal judge ruled Tuesday.

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Texas AG Paxton faces state ethics petition for alleged 'dishonest' statements in election litigation

Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is accused of making “dishonest” statements in election litigation in an ethics petition filed by the Commission for Lawyer Discipline of the State Bar of Texas.

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Patient billed about $230K for surgery after $1,300 estimate is protected by contract law, state supreme court says

Contract law protects a patient who was billed about $230,000 for surgery, despite being told that her cost after insurance would be about $1,300, the en banc Colorado Supreme Court ruled last week.

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Second Loss for Rep. Madison Cawthorn: 4th Circuit revives claim that he is an insurrectionist unfit for office

Congress didn’t give amnesty to future insurrectionists who are barred from office under the Constitution’s disqualification clause, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

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Diversity on state supreme courts shows little improvement, report finds

State supreme courts still fail to reflect the diversity of the communities they serve, according to an update published Friday by the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law.

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Supreme Court decision is an impediment for defendants who 'lost the lawyer lottery twice'

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that Arizona habeas defendants who claim that their trial and postconviction counsel were ineffective can’t introduce evidence outside the state-court record to prove that their first lawyer botched the case.

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ABA Legal Ed council seeks comment on proposed revision to law school admissions test requirement

Should the LSAT stay or go? A suggested revision to remove the requirement for law school entrance exams will be going out for notice and comment, following a Friday vote by the council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.

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Federal judge strikes down sign law requiring transgender bathroom warnings

A federal judge in Nashville, Tennessee, has struck down a state law requiring businesses to post warning signs if they allow transgender people to use restrooms that match their gender identity.

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Maine will hire its first public defenders to aid struggling indigent defense system

Maine, the last state without public defenders, will soon deploy five of them after Democratic Gov. Janet T. Mills signed a bill earlier this month to create a rural public defenders unit.

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