The official blog of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism discusses ways to foster professionalism and civility among lawyers and judges.
"Balkinization an unanticipated consequence of Jack M. Balkin." This blawg focuses on constitutional, First Amendment and civil liberties issues.
Every weekday, law professors post on the very latest rulings regarding the admissibility of evidence in criminal cases and what sorts of lines of questioning should be permitted at criminal trials. They also note differences between the federal rules of evidence and the rules of various states. Occasionally, they will comment on whether they think courts have reached the right outcomes in these evidence cases or note fishy behavior by prosecutors.
Posts give "instant analysis" of recent U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments and cover the activities of the blogger's Harlan Institute, which has a mission of bringing a stylized law school experience into the high school classroom. From the blog you can also access and sign up for the the Harlan Institute's FantasySCOTUS league.
The authors post about books and papers, law school job openings, concerns of working professors, and "a variety of topics related to law and life."