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A Message from LexBlog

What’s Trending for Blogging in the Am Law 200?

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Today, content marketing is revolutionizing how companies connect with prospective customers. Unlike traditional marketing vehicles, like direct response campaigns that pitch the seller’s story, content marketing strips away the hype, engaging the prospect by providing the type of information they want or need.

The concept is fairly simple: Instead of saying that you’re the best in your field as you would with more traditional advertising, push out relevant information that shows that you know what you’re talking about. If you’re a hospital, provide wellness information. If you’re a business consultant, provide insight on supply chain management. If you’re a technology company, offer articles about how your target market can get more efficient, with or without your technology. Through content marketing, organizations emerge as experts in their field based not on who they say they are, but on the quality information they consistently provide.

Law firms nationwide are adopting this marketing methodology at rapid rates, evidenced by the increase in attorney-authored blogs. These blogs enable lawyers to push out content on their specific areas of specialty, comment on relevant judgments and share pertinent news; creating publishing centers of excellence for their firm’s legal niche areas.

The strategy is paying off, in a big way.

In the past seven years alone, Am Law 200 firms have increased the number of blogs they publish from 74 to 960. That’s an exponential growth times 12 in less than a decade. The number of firms publishing blogs has more than quadrupled in this same timeframe, with this growth trajectory showing no sign of stopping.

To understand why blogs are such powerful marketing tools for lawyers, let’s take a look at how clients actually seek out attorneys in specific specialty areas. If they don’t have recommendations from friends or business associates, they likely take to Google. They don’t search for firms, but for a specialty; for example, “lawyer, patent law, Connecticut.”

There’s a good chance that the lawyer who blogs on this topic, the lawyer who’s quoted as an expert in the press and whose insights are shared among readers, will rise to the top of the search results. More importantly, that lawyer has a portfolio of blog posts to prove that he or she is a credible expert in that specialty.

How many other marketing vehicles can provide that level of differentiation?

No question, blogging has emerged as the content marketing catalyst of choice for the top Am Law firms and those who want to join those ranks. We at LexBlog did a deep dive of original research into the legal blogging phenomenon; detailing how Am Law 200 firms are incorporating blogging into their marketing efforts, identifying what they’re blogging about, and exploring how they’re expanding the use of blogs in different practice areas.

Get the full LexBlog Am Law 200 Blog Benchmark Report to find out:

• Which firms are blogging and which are not

• Which firms publish the most blogs

• What blog topics are most popular and which are up and coming

• Which Am Law 200 firm blogs get the most traffic

• How has blogging grown over the past decade

Get your copy of this brand-new 36-page report now.

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