Manage Workflows, Improve Security with ShareFile for Legal
Managing document-related workflows during discovery, evidence collection, and litigation is complex work. On top of that, law firms face constant threats of cyberattack and the demands of non-billable tasks that can delay service delivery.
ShareFile for Legal is an easy-to-use client collaboration solution that can help law firms improve the security and operational efficiency of essential legal workflows to create better client experiences.
When it comes to document exchange, only 38% of firms utilize an online document sharing solution. The rest still rely on email, which can lack appropriate security, and delivery of paper documents, which is expensive and time-consuming. This also creates problems as clients move away from in-person interactions. Nearly 79% of clients prefer to work remotely with their firm, which makes secure online document exchange a technology priority.
ShareFile for Legal is a solution we’ve designed specifically around the needs of legal professionals. It can help your firm:
• Streamline client onboarding and client workflows to improve client experiences and simplify service delivery.
• Improve the visibility and efficiency of document-heavy workflows, enhancing your legal strategy, and expedite client onboarding and administrative tasks so you can begin billable work sooner.
• Enhance security protection by empowering employees to protect client and business information without robust IT involvement and by leveraging granular permissions, email/file encryption, and security alerts to safeguard sensitive data.
It’s clear law firms need an easy-to-use document sharing solution that improves security and productivity over status quo processes. That’s where ShareFile for Legal comes in. Learn more at
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