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A Message From Marketing 360

How To Prepare Your Law Firm For A Digital Focused 2021

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Is your law firm ready to grow in 2021?

It’s no surprise that digital marketing and online business tools have been critical in 2020 throughout the Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures. Whether you want to make up for revenue lost during the Coronavirus pandemic, increase your firm’s awareness in your community, or improve your firm’s scalability, a strong digital strategy will continue to be important as we enter into 2021. See our marketing recommendations that you can use to grow your law firm’s success in the upcoming year.

Focus On Your Website

Your website is often where you make your first impression. Whether a potential client finds your website through a Google Search, visits your website after hearing your radio ad, or after a word-of-mouth referral, your website should capture prospective clients’ attention and encourage them to contact your business.

A responsive, fast, and conversion-friendly website can improve the success of all your marketing efforts (not just your online marketing), so make your website design a priority this upcoming new year.

Offer Online Payments

With many stretched-thin financially and struggling with unemployment during this time, having an online financing option can make your firm’s services attainable to a larger audience. Offering payment plans and making it easy for clients to make payments online makes your firm more attractive to those who can’t afford an up-front payment.

Use Tech Wisely

The coronavirus and social distancing have forced companies to use technology in creative ways to keep their business up and running. From online ordering, Zoom meetings, to live-streamed events, supporting your business with technology is more important now than ever before.

Think of ways tech can give your law firm a competitive advantage. For example, Zoom meetings or consultations can let you speak face-to-face with your clients while social distancing measures are in place. Customer relationship management software allows your team to stay up-to-date on important client information. Paid ads can get your law firm in front of the right potential clients, fast. Online scheduling can help you set up new client consultations with ease. These are just a few examples of how law firms can use technology to enhance their firm’s success.

Give Back To Your Community

2021 will provide many opportunities to give back to your community. Consider increasing your amount of pro bono work for those in need. With the coronavirus pandemic forcing more evictions, increasing domestic violence, and leaving more unemployed people needing help fighting for benefits, you have the opportunity to put your law degree to work to help those in less fortunate positions. And through helping out, you’ll build connections, increase your firm’s awareness, and build your local reputation. Just make sure to ask pro bono clients to leave a review of your firm on Google and Avvo to help improve your online reputation as well.

Review Your 2020 Marketing Success

Last but not least, look at how your 2020 marketing has performed. Now’s the time to set up a yearly marketing review with your marketing team. What’s working? What’s not? Use a critical eye and make a plan to improve your marketing success in the new year.

Grow Your Law Firm With Help From Marketing 360®

Marketing 360® can help your firm reach your 2021 goals. Whether you’re looking for website design, a new CRM, or video advertising, our team of attorney marketing experts can help you grow your firm. And we have the experience to know what works; in general, our lawyer websites convert 2x better than typical attorney websites.

Schedule a free marketing consultation with Marketing 360 today*. We’ll review how you’re performing now and give you a personalized plan to improve your 2021 marketing strategy, no strings attached.

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