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A message from LEAP Legal Software

How LEAP is Revolutionizing Legal Tech with Purpose-Built AI Solutions

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While generative AI can be extremely intelligent, precision and accuracy are paramount in legal matters. Mainstream AI platforms like ChatGPT lack customization for the legal industry. LEAP has developed its first AI features specifically for law firms to automate time-consuming tasks, simplify document drafting, make legal information more accessible, and enhance decision-making processes.

LEAP CEO, Poppy Bale, explains why legal AI is unlocking new levels of productivity for law firms. “Integrated AI does not diminish the role of lawyers; rather, it enhances their capabilities. LEAP’s suite of premium AI tools enables lawyers to focus on higher-value tasks that require human judgment and creativity.” She goes on to explain how legal AI is transforming law firms, “By complementing human expertise with advanced AI technology, LEAP empowers lawyers to achieve greater productivity and precision in their work. Having AI tools embedded in practice management further drives efficiency.”

LEAP includes three types of integrated legal AI:

1. LawY: Your trusted legal AI assistant

LawY is a legal AI assistant that generates legal answers from a purpose-built legal knowledge base, with the option to have questions verified by qualified lawyers. Firms can save time on tasks such as legal research, reviewing case law, drafting documents or affidavits, and more. LawY can help you with the first draft of your work, shifting your focus to reviewing what the AI has produced rather than doing the first draft yourself.

2. Matter AI: Instant answers from your matters

Matter AI intelligently examines your LEAP matter’s documents and correspondence, providing instant insights. Users can ask Matter AI to extract information from documents, summarize a document, compare multiple documents for discrepancies, and more. Lawyers can say goodbye to laborious manual searches and embrace a new era of productivity.

3. LEAP Generator: Draft Documents with ease

You can produce a legal letter, client email or form with ease using LEAP’s Generator. Drafting documents can be time-consuming, and even trying to find existing templates that fit your specific situation can be a challenge. LEAP simplifies this process.

Through the Generator, you can input the type of document you wish to create. You can choose from a letter, email, or form previously created by your firm, select a LawY template verified by qualified lawyers, or have LawY’s AI generate a new one.

Let LEAP’s AI help you work smarter, not harder.


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