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A Message from Xerox

Don’t Miss a Word – The New Art of Listening for Legal Professionals.

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As much as lawyers rely heavily upon well-crafted speeches, the art of listening, deciphering and ruminating upon information also matters greatly to litigation outcomes. Unfortunately, the bulk of data for today’s attorney comes in the form of written documents – tons and tons of them to be honest. With caseloads that try even the most ardent of attorneys determined to read every word of multiple-paged documents, listening has begun to take on a new role.

Take the example of U.S. District Court Judge Alan Albright of Waco, Texas. Judge Albright began requesting audio briefs after his appointment in 2018 in an effort to accelerate patent cases. According to attorneys familiar with his court, the judge listens to the recordings during his drive from the courthouse to his home in Austin and while running and cycling outdoors. The novelty led to some initial lighthearted jabs – namely around whether litigants should invest in baritone-voiced talent a la James Earl Jones to record the briefs.

All joking aside, attorneys find the option for audio briefs a boon for their cases. Having the opportunity to give recordings to the judge add an additional chance to advocate for their clients and means a greater chance of a positive outcome; stating the argument is one thing, but literally having the judge’s ear is another.

A Brief Respite for Tired Eyes

While Judge Albright is looking to make short work of the reading of briefs, the bulk of legal work for lawyers remains in poring over documents. We don’t need to remind you how many, and how after a long day in the office, an evening of reading more papers is likely to put more stress on already-tired eyes. There is a remedy, and the Xerox® Audio Documents App is the key. Now creating audio files from hard copy and digital documents to listen to anytime and anywhere is as easy as scanning or uploading – and going.

Text In. Audio Out.

Whether you’re a multitasker, prefer listening over reading, or simply don’t have enough time to perform the reading required in your practice, creating an alternative to paper docs has never been more convenient or accessible. Like Judge Albright, you can review documents while you drive, walk, ride the train, exercise or sit at your desk with the Xerox® Audio Docs App. Simply scan or upload file documents to your Xerox® VersaLink® or AltaLink® Multifunction Printer and create audio files you can listen to at your convenience.

Making Every Day Work Better.

Xerox has a long history of introducing innovative technology that support every day workflows and processes so people can be more efficient and achieve greater work-life balance. In a report released by Wolters Kluwer, a global information services company, one group in particular found in hard to adapt to new technology – you guessed it, lawyers. According to the 2019 report, despite the fact that attorneys are increasingly concerned with the growing volume and complexity of information and the need to improve efficiency and productivity, they are ill-prepared to address it. That’s where technology like easy-to-use apps can help. Xerox® Audio Documents App works with Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology-enabled devices and is as simple as scanning the documents, opening the link in your email and listening to the content.

The Wolters Kluwer report also stated the growing concern that attorneys feel around financial issues, including more price competition, new fee structures and cost-containment burdens. Xerox technology is providing solutions for businesses needing to meet the changing demands of clients and internal leadership, streamlining the way people work to tame time-consuming processes. For busy, on-the-go legal professionals, Xerox® Audio Documents App is the tool that brings simple tech solutions into practice.

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