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A Message from Amicus Attorney

5 Ways That You Can Provide Better Client Service

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Keep your clients – and keep them happy

The legal landscape is more competitive than ever. Client expectations are changing, and as a lawyer, your expectations should change too. You can no longer take your clients for granted. The work may be there today, but will it be there tomorrow?

In today’s world of savvy consumers and commoditized services, existing and potential clients are looking for value. They are looking for appreciation. And if you’re not providing it, they will move on to the next person who will.

Although this sounds ominous, there are ways that you can stay competitive and show your clients that you’re worth what you charge them. Here are five helpful ways that you can improve your client service.

  1. Make sure that you’re mobile and accessible

    We live in the digital age. Clients expect to be able to reach you, and have their questions answered at all times of the day. Is your practice mobile? Can you access your files on the go? Can you get to your documents with a single click?

    Although a lot of the urgency in today’s world may be perceived, it’s a fact that expectations have changed. Clients want to know that you can provide them with information anytime, anywhere. If you’re unable to do so, someone else surely can.

  2. Collaborate with your clients

    Clients, more than ever, want to know that they’re getting value from their legal service providers. They want to be in control of their legal work. Do you ever feel like you’re neglecting a particular file or client? Chances are, if you have that nagging voice in the back of your head, your client is feeling frustrated. There are numerous tools at your disposal that will let you collaborate with your clients better than ever before. Let them see the value. Let them feel in control of their work. One of the best ways to do this is via a client portal. Click here to learn all about the revolutionary Amicus Client Portal.

  3. Really understand your clients – and monitor their business

    Do you really know your clients? Do you know their birthday? Their favourite sports team? This information may seem trivial, but it’s not. Those who succeed in business are the ones who pay attention to detail. Is the work that you get from a specific client decreasing? Are you able to monitor this type of information? You can’t fix the problem if you don’t know that a problem is slowly brewing.

    You need comprehensive details for your clients. You’re also busy. You need proactive assistance with business development and client retention. Practice management software can be your best friend.

  4. Be more efficient – automate your practice

    Clients expect their work to be done efficiently. If you can provide quality legal service – faster – to your clients, you’ll reap the rewards in the long run. There are so many ways to make your practice more efficient. From document management to legal calendaring to email management and so much more.

    Click here for a short video comparing a lawyer who understands efficiency vs. one who doesn’t.

  5. Keep up to date on your firm’s performance

    Do you know what other members of your firm are up to? Are they providing the type of service that your clients deserve? Are they procrastinating? Overperforming (ideally!)? Underperforming?

    Having access to comprehensive reporting will allow you to monitor your firm’s overall performance. If you’re able to assess performance on an ongoing basis, you’ll be able to optimize your practice. Your clients will notice.

The key factor in providing better client service is understanding your practice and making it more efficient. It’s time to work smarter, not harder.

Amicus Attorney, the world’s leader in legal practice management solutions, can help take you and your practice to new incredible levels of profitability. Amicus users are reaping substantial rewards! On average, Amicus users are saving 8.5 hours per week and adding an extra 5.2 billed hours per week!

Click here to learn more about Amicus Attorney practice management solutions.

Click here to get your free trial!

We’re also here to answer any questions you may have and would love to speak with you! Send us an email or give us a call: – 1-800-472-2289

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