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A Message From Scorpion

5 Tips for Writing an Attorney Bio

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If you’re like most attorneys, you’re proud of everything you’ve accomplished, but you’ve hated writing your attorney biography since your first day as an associate. It can be difficult to find the right mix of personality and expertise in a single write-up. So how do you do that, exactly? Just follow these five suggestions to make sure your attorney bio creates a great first impression.

Be Genuine

Clients want to learn about the attorney they’re hiring and what to expect—especially if they’ll be interacting with you often. Your bio should be an extension of your personality. People resonate with someone they can connect with, so feel free to share aspects of your life outside of work (activities, family, etc.). And before beginning to write yours, check to see if your law firm has an established template or structure, so it matches the overall theme, message, and voice.

Show Your Passion

People always want to hire the “best” lawyer possible, so make sure that you communicate your passion for legal work. You may want to consider describing what drove you to become an attorney and why you enjoy helping your clients. A heartfelt paragraph showing your motivation can be a game-changer as prospective clients learn about you.

Talk about Your Success

Depending on your practice area and state bar guidelines, touting prior successes may give prospects a glimpse into your strategies and diligence in representing past clients. An easy way to approach this is to find stats about your practice. What percentage of your clients have you kept out of jail? What is the aggregate amount of money you have been able to recover on behalf of your clients? What percentage of cases have you won?

If your focus is on a practice area in which it’s easier to show your success, keep it short. List the top 3–5 accomplishments and do your best to make them about recent or historic wins.

Be Succinct

A difficult but important thing to remember is that your bio should be just long enough to give your prospective clients enough information to want to reach out to you—but not so long that they think that they opened up a page of an Encyclopedia Britannica. If you have a lot you want to include, one solution is to create two versions of your biography for different situations. Use the shorter version on the firm’s website, and save the long-form version for potential clients who want a more thorough understanding of your experience.

Keep it Up to Date

How often you update your bio depends on you and what makes the most sense for your practice. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to make changes every quarter with any new information or accomplishments.

The thing to remember is other lawyers are always vying for the same types of cases you are. Take advantage of the things you can control by

ensuring your bio touts your successes and is up to date, genuine, passionate, and relatable. Remember these five steps and implement them to give your prospective clients the right information about you.

Learn more about writing an attorney bio.

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