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A Message From CallRail, Call Tracking & Marketing Analytics

3 Ways Call Tracking Is Changing Legal Marketing

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Advertising before call tracking was like shooting arrows in the dark and hoping you hit your target. When potential clients would call, law firms would simply ask, “How’d you hear about us?”

But most people aren’t very good at remembering exactly which billboard, ad, or TV commercial prompted their phone call. So, law firms had no reliable way to see how ads were performing.

Fortunately, call tracking has come a long way since those days, and has become the backbone of marketing attribution and proving ROI.

Here are three of the ways call tracking will level up your legal marketing.

1: Call tracking illuminates the “path to purchase”

The legal industry is a phone-first business, and for good reason: Prospective clients want the reassurance of speaking with a real person when it comes to discussing sensitive legal matters. But just because phones are still front-and-center doesn’t mean the path to purchase has stayed the same. A client may catch your ad via TV or radio, but odds are they’re going to get online and do a more in-depth search before making a call.

Prospective clients are increasingly turning to digital channels first: According to a Google / FindLaw Legal Services study, 74 percent of prospective clients research firms and practices online before contacting them.

This is why sophisticated call tracking is more important than ever. It can reveal key insights about the path to purchase, like the keywords a lead searched for and the pages they viewed before making a call.

This attribution granularity will help you make smarter choices about how to allocate your ad budget by determining which marketing channels and campaigns are most effective at driving new leads and delivering a positive ROI.

2: Call tracking doesn’t just describe — it prescribes

Initially, call tracking was simply an attribution tool — a way of matching calls up with the ads that generated them. It’s now become crucial for analyzing how leads engage with your law firm throughout the client journey.

“We don’t aspire to be a platform that only tells you what happened,” says Andy Powell, co-founder of CallRail. “If a business isn’t gathering data and analyzing their phone calls, they don’t have a complete picture of the effectiveness of their digital marketing.”

In this sense, call tracking has evolved to include features like call recording that can help improve your client experience and inform your team training.

If your intake team is losing potential clients because of how they’re answering the phone, knowing that it’s happening is the first step toward fixing it. Similarly, if a client doesn’t retain, then you can uncover exactly why based on the call recording.

3: Call tracking reveals the effectiveness of your website and content.

Call tracking enables you to measure call volume from different channels over a period of time and compare it to other timeframes (before & after changes have been made to your website for example). This can be very helpful in determining what may or may not be working with your marketing.

If your website has been redesigned or rewritten, you should absolutely track calls in advance so you can measure the effects of those changes. You can even break down the data page-by-page to see which pages lead to calls after a user lands on them.

This can be a very telling metric to a page’s effectiveness. If you’re developing new content and adding new pages regularly with the goal of driving more traffic to your website, call tracking can help uncover if these pages are leading to conversions.

What’s next for call tracking

Over the last decade, call tracking has become an essential tool for law firms. Its insights have helped them unlock the power of digital marketing and spend their advertising dollars wisely.

To learn more about how call tracking works and key features to look for in a call tracking tool, download CallRail’s report, Call Tracking 101.

About the Author

CallRail is a leading call tracking platform that helps law firms accelerate growth. It gives you tools to market smarter, drive more quality leads, and turn leads into clients. Call Tracking, Form Tracking, and Conversation Intelligence reveal insights across touchpoints along each client’s journey. Top-ranked on G2, over 175,000 businesses worldwide trust CallRail’s straightforward, powerful call tracking platform to accelerate and sustain growth. For more information, visit

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