ABA Journal


A Message from Abacus Data Systems

10 Critical Disaster Planning Essentials for Your Law Firm

As a legal professional, the integrity and security of your data is of the utmost importance. With an ethical and regulatory responsibility to protect your client’s confidential information, it is…

A Message from Bloomberg BNA

Download Now: Privacy Laws in Asia

Download Now: Privacy Laws in Asia

With its critical impact on the world economy and global trade, privacy legislation in Asia has been extremely active in the last…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

Your Law Firm is More Vulnerable Than You Think. Let Us Show You.

Security vulnerabilities are constantly evolving as attackers find new points of weakness to gain entry into IT environments. Law firms and legal departments handle sensitive and confidential information on an…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

Overcoming the Top 5 Cloud Computing Challenges Law Firms Face

Can today’s cloud computing solutions solve the bulk of a firm’s IT challenges and turn technology from a hindrance to an asset?

This complimentary report takes an in-depth look at…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Report Six-Pack: The Six Firm Management Reports We Recommend to Every Attorney

The Six Firm Management Reports We Recommend to Every Attorney

It’s a common scenario: you start the year optimistic, determined to take your billing productivity and practice to the next…


Summer Reading List: Books for (and by) Lawyers

An ABA Journal special advertising supplement featuring books by and for lawyers.

The special supplement will appear in the July issue of the magazine alongside features focusing on leisure and…

A Message from American Bar Endowment

Insurance for ABA Members: How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Insurance for ABA Members: How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Lawyers and the public at large generally agree that life insurance is an important part of providing…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Law Firms: Whatever You Do, Don’t Try Harder…

How Law Firms Can Achieve Giant Breakthroughs With Just a Turn of the Head

Have you ever observed a fly attempting to escape a room through a closed window?


A Message from American Bar Endowment

Insurance: It’s Time to Check Your Coverage

Insurance can be a confusing topic that most people prefer to avoid. With the dizzying array of offerings and solicitations in the market today, how can a lawyer be sure…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Lawyers Make When Choosing a Cloud Service Provider (and how to avoid them)

In recent years, an increasingly large number of law firms are moving their software and data to the cloud. In fact, the ABA reported that the percentage of lawyers who…

A Message from American Bar Endowment

The Two Minute Life Insurance Needs Self-Review

The Two Minute Life Insurance Needs Self-Review

Experts recommend that you review your life insurance once a year. Think of it as a checkup; preventive medicine to help…

A Message from Bloomberg BNA

ABA Journal Readers: Request your Bloomberg Law Trial - Learn More

Bloomberg Law provides unlimited access to essential legal content integrated with time-saving tools and proprietary company and market information. It gives you unlimited access to essential legal content integrated with…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Looking For New Software? Find Out Where To Start!

Researching new software options can be a daunting task. Many software companies promise less time at work or more productivity, but what does their software do that is different from…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Are You Missing Out “Because You’ve Always Done It That Way?”

Whether in the form of a meme, an inspirational quote, or written on the walls of a boardroom, there has been a ubiquitous adage that has taken over the corporate…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

The 3 Biggest Breach Challenges Law Firms Face (and how to best protect your firm)

In today’s world where hackers are organized enterprises – or even sovereign states – the need for securing and safeguarding client and case information is more important than ever. The…

test doc

A Message from Lawyers SEO

Top 5 Critical Mistakes Law Firms Make With Their Website & SEO

Is your SEO company taking advantage of you? Are you getting new clients through proven SEO results? Are you making any of these common mistakes?

  1. Trying To Influence Google,…

    A Message from Tabs3 Software

    How to Improve the Legal Essentials: FREE White Papers on Document Management and Billing

    Download our collection of white papers and attend our webinar to learn how to improve your document management and billing system!

    Why Microsoft Outlook is Not Practice Management…

    A Message from LexBlog

    What’s Trending for Blogging in the Am Law 200?

    Today, content marketing is revolutionizing how companies connect with prospective customers. Unlike traditional marketing vehicles, like direct response campaigns that pitch the seller’s story, content marketing strips away the hype,…

    A Message from Amicus Attorney

    5 Ways That You Can Provide Better Client Service

    Keep your clients – and keep them happy

    The legal landscape is more competitive than ever. Client expectations are changing, and as a lawyer, your expectations should change too. You…

    Read more ...

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Your Voice

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public