ABA Journal


A Message from Abacus Data Systems

Attorneys and the Cloud: How Adoption Reduces Risk, Increases Productivity

Taking a conservative approach defines the practice of law, and for many firms and their technology, that means sticking with legacy IT infrastructure and eschewing trends like The Cloud.


A Message from Tabs3 Software

Stop Your Month-End Frustrations

If your month-end is a constant source of frustration, then it’s time to try something different. Tabs3 Billing Software is the most award-winning software in the industry and has helped…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Legal Research:  Easier Today than Ever

Online legal research technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past decade alone – and continues to do so today, making legal research easier than ever.

Just because…

A Message from Thomson Reuters ProView™ eBooks

Work Anytime, Anywhere with ProView™ eBooks

Are you looking to go mobile with your legal research? Thomson Reuters ProView™ eBooks are your solution. With ProView you can access your research anytime or anywhere, with…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

True Story: How Eight Expensive Lawyers Missed One Word That Cost Tens of Thousands of Dollars

The transaction
Negotiating the lease of an 80,000 square foot commercial building.

The setting
Eight lawyers sat along one side of a very long oak conference table.

On the other…

A Message from West Academic

Gain In-Depth Insights into the Law with Treatises from West Academic

West Academic offers the legal resources you need to expand your knowledge and grow into new practice areas. From overviews of legal topics to citable secondary sources, West Academic publishes…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

This Is What Forward-Thinking Law Firms Are Doing

More law firms are going virtual and moving their practices into the Cloud.

There is a significant cost attached to sticking with a traditional technology platform, and virtualization…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Practice Point

3 Benefits of Using Task-Based Legal Research for In-house Counsel

The legal industry is experiencing change, and this is especially true for in-house counsel who face significant changes and an increasing number of demands. With counsel expected to provide immediate…

A Message from American Bar Endowment

Why Do Pro Bono?

Why do pro bono?

Obviously, the primary reason to do pro bono work is to help those less fortunate who may have a serious need for your legal…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Report Six-Pack: The Six Firm Management Reports We Recommend to Every Attorney

The Six Firm Management Reports We Recommend to Every Attorney

It’s a common scenario: you start the year optimistic, determined to take your billing productivity and practice to the next…

A Message from West Academic

The Nutshell Series® – Get Up to Speed Quickly on New or Unfamiliar Areas of Law

The Nutshell Series® from West Academic Publishing is the most complete line of legal overviews available. Nutshells are compact guides that provide readers with a quick, simplified, yet…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Best Practices for Your Practice: Advice from 10 Legal Characters

Lawyers learn from each other’s experiences. Discover what you can learn from ten experienced lawyers as each relates an important best practice.

“Most lawyers know very well how errors reflect…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

The 3 Biggest Security Challenges Law Firms Face—- and What to do About Them!

Since law firms and legal departments handle much of the most sensitive data for any business, it’s no surprise that firms are often targets for hackers and cybercriminals. Even so,…

A Message from Bloomberg Law

U.S. Sends Mixed Privacy, Encryption Messages: Panel

The U.S. government is giving mixed messages to technology companies—build privacy and security by design in products and services, but leave them open to backdoor access by default—privacy professionals said.

A Message from Tab3 Software

Do You Experience These Five Client Billing Problems?

New White Paper: The #1 Billing Mistake Attorneys Make – Plus Timeslips Discount and Other Helpful Resources


You can spend the rest of…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

What Do The Most Successful Law Firms Do?

Do you want to know how you can enter the ranks of the most efficient and profitable Law Firms?

Join litigator Ron Collins, founder and CEO of Amicus Attorney, for…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Firm Central

Thomson Reuters Releases New Firm Central Time & Billing

Thomson Reuters Firm Central, the leading cloud-based practice management solution for solo and small law firms, has just released a newly enhanced Time & Billing feature built and supported by…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

It’s All About Balance: How to Prepare Your Practice for Tax Season

Take the stress out of “surviving” tax season and arm yourself with the tools you need to create better year-long planning and grow your practice.

Our legal accounting experts can…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

Don’t Fall Victim to Data Threats in “The Year of the Breach!”

Security vulnerabilities are constantly evolving as attackers find new points of weakness to gain entry into IT environments. Law firms and legal departments handle sensitive and confidential information on an…

A Message from American Bar Endowment

Free 2016 Insurance Check-Up eBook

Tips on evaluating your insurance needs today.

No matter what stage of life you’re in, whether beginning your law career…raising a family…or approaching retirement, 2015 probably brought change that could…

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Topics: Career & Practice

Chicago lawyer writes about being GOAT at New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest

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Your Voice

Hidden Talent Pool in Plain Sight: Corporate America wants you—for nonlegal roles

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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