How was your legal education paid for?
The possible factors behind the skyrocketing cost of attending law school and the large sums borrowed by many law students in pursuit of a JD are constantly in the spotlight.
Out of the spotlight are thousands of law students, all of whom either borrowed money to pay for law school, received scholarships or need-based financial aid, had family who paid for their law school—or through some combination of those means financed their legal educations.
A while back on Above the Law, New York lawyer Jordan Rothman, who has paid off his law school debts (but also had some scholarships) wrote about the complicated emotions he felt after making that last payment. At first he felt euphoric—later, he felt resentful of those whose parents paid for law school; and eventually, seeing the value of his financial sacrifices.
“All told, being burdened with student debt makes success all the more meaningful, and individuals who have law school paid for them will never be able to experience the contentment of achieving something completely on their own,” Rothman wrote.
This week, we’d like to ask you: How was your legal education paid for? Do you wish you’d made different decisions about your education and its financing? Or are you ultimately just proud of your accomplishment and grateful for any help you received along the way?
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Do you or your law firm accept bitcoin or other cryptocurrency for payment?
Featured answer:
Posted by GMacG: “I have accepted bitcoin for about three years now as a payment option. Every now and then someone pays with bitcoin, usually in matters that themselves involve cryptocurrencies.”
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