Who do you think is the smartest judge in the United States?
Image from Shutterstock.
Based on published rulings, speeches, interviews and other writings, or perhaps even personal encounters: Do you have an opinion on who our nation’s smartest jurist is?
Do you always agree with the rulings of the judge you feel is the smartest? Is there a noteworthy opinion or other text by this judge that illustrates his or her genius?
Answer in the comments. We’re more interested in picks who are active judges, but all-time picks are also welcome.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Who would be your dream client?
Featured answer:
Posted by Pirate: “As an estate planner, I’d love to represent Bill Gates and/or Warren Buffett. Lots of options for how to structure their estate plans. And just think how much fun their estates’ Forms 706 would be!”
This week’s question was based on a suggestion by a reader. Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.
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