Question of the Week

What's the Most 'Out of Bounds' Thing You've Heard a Judge Say During Proceedings?

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The Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week that a federal judge in Milwaukee made such “out of bounds” comments during the sentencing of a convicted cocaine dealer that resentencing was necessary.

After the defendant, Jose Figueroa, claimed he was a good family man. U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa said: “Even Adolf Hitler was admired by his family. Adolf Hitler loved his dog. Yet he killed 6 million Jews.” He also commented on Figueroa’s immigration status and talked about Figueroa’s native Mexico, linking the country to drug and immigration problems in the United States.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: What’s the most “out of bounds” thing you’ve heard a judge say during proceedings, whether he or she was ultimately rebuked for the remarks or not?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Can You Work with Someone with Whom You Have ‘Profound Disagreements’?

Featured answer:

Posted by Ohio73: “Yes, I can. So long as that person doesn’t whistle excessively. Or slurp their coffee. Or tell everyone in the office how great they are all the time. Yeah, basically, so long as the person isn’t a total pain in the rear, I am OK with disagreement sometimes.”