Question of the Week

What uncivil behavior have you seen from other lawyers?

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angry guy

Image from Shutterstock.

This week we noted the disbarment of a lawyer who, according to the Indiana Supreme Court, recorded and mocked his clients in front of staff and state disciplinary authorities. He also at times lied to his clients and opposing counsel about his whereabouts. (Trust account violations were also cited.)

So we’d like to ask you: What uncivil behavior have you seen from other lawyers? Do you find uncivil behavior among your colleagues to be pervasive, or is it something you rarely see in your practice or jurisdiction? Do you have ideas about how to increase civility in the profession?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What changes would you make to your favorite legal TV show?

Featured answers:

Posted by Biglaw10: “Exhibits on Law and Order! Every time McCoy hands someone an exhibit, he explains in detail what it is. I often scream: ‘That’s for the witness to do!’”

Posted by Punchy:Daredevil needs an episode where Matt Murdock goes up against Jennifer Walters on a case.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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