Vinny of ‘Jersey Shore’ Says Law School Is Fallback Plan
You may have watched him on MTV. Some day, you may meet him in court.
On of the reality TV stars of Jersey Shore, Vinny Guadagnino, says his grades and LSAT score are high enough to get into law school, Us Magazine reports. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog says Guadagnino is a graduate of State University of New York at New Paltz.
“My score was decent. I had a plan that if my score was really well, then I might of just went to Yale or Harvard,” he told Us Magazine. “But it was just mediocre. I can get into law school,” he added. “I had a 3.9 GPA, Latin Honors, but I’m doing this right now. Law school is always on the back burner.”
Guadagnino confessed, however, that he’s not eager to be a lawyer. “To tell you the truth, man, [being a] lawyer isn’t something I wanted to do. Nobody wants to be a lawyer—it’s hard work. But it was kind of my academic route,” he told the magazine.
Hat tip to Above the Law.
Updatd at 11:55 a.m. to include Law Blog link.
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