Law Schools

U.S. News May Rank Third-Tier Law Schools

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U.S. News & World Report is considering ranking law schools that are now lumped together in a third-tier category.

U.S. News research director Robert Morse revealed the possibility last week in a meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, the National Law Journal reports. “It’s something that we’re looking into,” he said. “We think the public finds numerical ranking more understandable.”

Currently, only the top 100 law schools are ranked. Even if U.S. News decides to rank third-tier schools, those that fall into the fourth tier still won’t be given a number.

Morse also defended his publication’s use of nine-month employment statistics, saying U.S. News uses the same definition of employment as the American Bar Association and the National Association for Law Placement, the NLJ reports. If those groups change the definition, U.S. News will follow, he said.