Treadmill desks help lawyers stay in shape at Taft Stettinius
For lawyers who may think they’re too busy to exercise, estate planning and probate partner Mary Rust of Taft Stettinius & Hollister has an answer: Treadmill desks.
She and another Cincinnati partner have them in their offices, allowing them to exercise without leaving their desks. Another two treadmill desks are set up for communal use. Aided by technology including a wireless computer keyboard and mouse and the ability to transfer work calls to her cellphone, Rust racks up between one and four hours per day on the treadmill, on the days when she’s in the office, reports the Cincinnati Enquirer.
The treadmill desks are part of a Taft Cares wellness initiative at the law firm, which has over 330 attorneys firmwide and more than 100 employees in Cincinnati. It also includes yoga classes, a switch from doughnuts to healthy snacks on Fridays, and help obtaining a primary care physician and quitting smoking, for those who need it.
“I think it just makes sense on every level,” said Beth Silvers, who serves as the firm’s chief personnel officer. “Healthy, happy people produce higher quality work, higher quality client service. It is a very stressful profession. Our whole business is based on human capital, and making sure that our people are in good shape and in control of their health is really important to us.”
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