Law in Peepular Culture

Peeps in Law

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Click link to browse the Peeps in Law Gallery.

Economic woes be damned. This is the first day of spring! And with spring, comes longer days, milder weather and Peeps season.

Those delightfully marshmallow treats from Just Born aren’t just for eating anymore. They now come in so many shapes and sizes that there are full sites devoted to honoring the beloved candy.

Our favorite annual contests include diorama galleries hosted by the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, which has launched its Peeps on Parade 2009.

We don’t want to be left out at the ABA Journal, so we’d like to invite you to submit your diorama honoring the legal profession in some way.

To play along, send a photo (JPG, GIF or PNG) of your Peep diorama by April 10 to [email protected]. Include a title of the diorama, how you would like to be identified, the date the photo was taken, and a short, no more than 150-word description.

To view the Peeps in Law Gallery, click here.

Fine Print: By submitting a photo, you are acknowledging that you understand our Terms of Use and agree to allow the ABA Journal to reprint your photo and description in all forms of media at any time. Individual email addresses will not be posted.