
New Survey Ranks Law Schools Based on Whose Grads Live the Luxe Life; U of Texas Tops the List

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A new National Jurist law school survey gets right to the nitty-gritty.

Rather than seeking to determine which institutions are most respected, prestigious or elite, it focuses on which law school graduates live most luxuriously, reports the Careerist. Thus, since it takes not only income but what it describes as “standard of living” into account, institutions outside expensive major cities get a boost.

At the top of the list is the University of Texas, where law grads “take home a net of $101,308 after debt and taxes, and modifying for cost of living adjustments,” says the National Jurist. “More than half of the schools in the study netted less than half of that amount, with six lower than $25,000.”

At the bottom of the list is New York University School of Law, which ranks sixth in the prestigious U.S. News & World Report rankings.

Also on the National Jurist’s top 10 list are the University of Georgia, Vanderbilt, Virginia, Northwestern, the University of Chicago, the University of North Carolina, Michigan, Washington University in St. Louis and Duke.

Hat tip: Am Law Daily.