
New 2nd-Career Option for at Least One Lawyer: Kate Middleton Lookalike

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The impending London wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton has created new career opportunities for a lucky few who happen to resemble the royal couple.

For those who wish to cash in, there’s money to be made by maximizing the similarities and taking gigs as lookalikes, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Among those gifted with such an opportunity is a Canadian attorney, Kate Elizabeth Ryder, who in addition to sharing Middleton’s first and middle names also is exactly the same age, 29, reports the Vancouver Sun.

She says strangers regularly point out the resemblance to her. But so far, aside from posing for a lookalike photo for her husband, she hasn’t tried to capitalize on the similarities.

“It seems like it would have been silly to go to law school then become a Kate Middleton lookalike, but we’ll see,” she tells the newspaper. “You never know.”

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