Religious Law

Nativity scene on courthouse lawn has disclaimer; lawyer's family sponsors the display

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A nativity scene on the courthouse lawn in Mountain Home, Arkansas, will include a disclaimer after a humanist group complained about the display last year.

The disclaimer will inform passersby that the display is owned and erected by private citizens, report the Baxter Bulletin and the Associated Press. The family of Mountain Home lawyer F.S. “Rick” Spencer has put up the nativity scene for many years in honor of his late wife. The display also includes a Christmas tree and a Santa Claus.

Spencer told the Arkansas Times last year that he had volunteered to represent the county pro bono if a legal challenge if filed.

The legislative Baxter County Quorum Court approved the disclaimer on Tuesday at the suggestion of a member who refused last year to allow a “Happy Winter Solstice” sign next to the nativity scene. The board member had cited the possibility of “hundreds” of displays in denying the request. The rejection spurred a complaint from the Appignani Humanist Legal Center.

The holiday display is on courthouse grounds leased to the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce, according to the disclaimer resolution. The full disclaimer will read: “During the Holiday Season, the County of Baxter salutes liberty. Let these festive lights and times remind us that we are keepers of the flame of liberty and our legacy of freedom. Whatever your religion or beliefs, enjoy the holidays. This display is owned and erected by private citizens of Baxter County.”