Personal Lives

Looking for Positive Energy? Some Lawyers See Smudgers as Solution

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Lawyers may get positive energy from a ruling in their favor, a big bonus or an inspiring legal argument.

For some, though, there is smudging. The ritual involves burning incense or herbs to rid an apartment or other space of negative vibes and improve the energy there, the New York Times reports.

The story includes two lawyers who have hired smudgers. Ziporah Reich hired one, partly because she wanted to wipe out bad memories of delays and problems with her recent apartment renovation. During the ceremony, Reich meditated over an altar of bowls of water filled with candles and flowers. She wrote her wishes on colored paper, including her hopes for more career success and a soul mate.

The Times identified another couple who used a smudger as real estate publicist Barbara Wagner and her lawyer husband, Steve. The aim was to remove any lingering aura from an aunt who died in the apartment she was renting from them.

Said the Times, “Since worries about the future or negative vibes from the past are two things New Yorkers cannot complain to management about, a very tiny industry has evolved to fill these needs.”