Lawyers Using Social Media More, Says ABA Tech Survey
In the past year there’s been an increase in lawyers’ social media use, according to the 2012 ABA Legal Technology survey.
Out of 823 respondents, 22 percent indicated that their firm had a blog, Bob Ambrogi’s LawSites blog reports. Last year that number was 15 percent. The survey also asked respondents if they maintained a personal, lawyer-related blog, and 9 percent said yes. In 2011 and 2010 surveys, only 5 percent indicated that they maintained personal, law-related blogs.
Additionally, 88 percent of the respondents’ firms have a LinkedIn presence, Ambrogi writes, 55 percent use Facebook and 13 percent can be found on Twitter. Regarding Twitter, 11 percent of the respondents said they use it personally for professional reasons, which is up from 6 percent in 2011.
Related article: “Are You Suspicious of People Who Don’t Have a Web Presence?”
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