Criminal Justice

Lawyer Who Knows a Few Things About Parking Tickets Offers Self-Published Advice

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A lawyer who was once a Chicago hearing officer for traffic ticket appeals has written a self-published book of advice on how to fight the tickets.

The book is called Stick It to Your Ticket, the Chicago Tribune reports. The author is lawyer Sheldon Zeiger, who was fired from his hearing officer job after he accumulated too many parking tickets. Zeiger’s explanation: The car didn’t belong to him.

Zeigler has heard lots of excuses, ranging from “My wife was about to give birth” to “The doorman said I could park here.” He advises motorists to learn about city codes rather than give excuses, the Tribune says.

“If [motorists] are going to contest a ticket, the hearing officer has to believe your defense, not your excuse,” Zeiger told the newspaper. “Was the sign missing or obscured? Was the [parking] meter broken or inoperable? That will get you out of the ticket.”

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