Question of the Week

Law School Grads: Take This Six-Question Survey on Finding That First Job

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Readers had a lot to say in 120-plus comments on last week’s story about two law firms’ announcement that 15 more law schools will be sued over how they have been reporting their employment statistics. The same firms filed lawsuits against Cooley Law School and New York Law School in August.

We noticed that many commenters were responding to a “quick poll” posed by a commenter identified as Chicago Law Student (comment No. 43), asking:

1) How long did it take you to get a job in the legal field?
2) Did you get the position you wanted, or did you compromise?
3) How many interviews did you go on?
4) What was your salary range for that first job?
5) Would you recommend attending law school to a recent graduate?

All good questions, so this week we’d like to make this survey our question of the week. Only we’d like to add a 6th question:

6) What year did you graduate from law school?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: How Would You Change Your Law School’s Admission Policies?

Featured answer:

Posted by KS Attorney: “I would interview prospective new students in person. I can’t tell you how many students were just plain weird and shouldn’t have been in law school. People skills are vital in this profession. Those without them have little chance at success, especially in a tough job market. Or maybe they’re future law professors, what do I know.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.