Bar Associations

Law Day Theme Focuses on Crisis in Court Funding

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The ABA is joining with civic and legal leaders today to focus on court funding as part of a Law Day commemoration.

The Law Day theme is “No Courts. No Justice. No Freedom.” A press release and the ABA website outline Law Day events, including a Washington, D.C., press conference and a panel discussion on constitutional democracy sponsored by the ABA Division for Public Education. Meanwhile, ABA President Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III scheduled visits to five states throughout April and May to highlight court underfunding issues.

In an online video, Robinson said bar associations throughout the nation are celebrating Law Day with events ranging from essay contests to mock trials to town hall meetings. He also noted this year’s Law Day theme.


Image from Shutterstock.

“Court systems in states throughout this country—42 of them—had their court funding sliced. And this is on top of court funding cuts that had been suffered in recent years since the economic downturn,” Robinson said. “An independent, adequately funded judicial system is the key to constitutional democracy. Constitutional democracy is the key to freedom.”

President Dwight Eisenhower established the first Law Day in 1958, a year after then-ABA President Charles S. Rhyne called for a special national day to recognize the nation’s commitment to the rule of law. Congress issued a joint resolution in 1961 designating May 1 as the official Law Day.

Also see:

ABA Journal: “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom: 2012 Law Day Theme Will Resonate with Calls for Court Funding”