U.S. Supreme Court

Kagan Reveals Affinity for Action Heroes, Weekend Plans to Shoot Antelope with Scalia

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If Justice Elena Kagan’s weekend went according to plans, she bagged some big game while hunting with Justice Antonin Scalia.

Speaking at the University of Tennessee on Friday, Kagan told of plans to travel to Wyoming where she would meet Scalia, her hunting mentor. “I’m hoping to bag myself an antelope,” she said. Previously she and Scalia had hunted birds, but he suggested last spring it was time to move on to the big game. The Knoxville News Sentinel and the Daily Beacon have a report.

Kagan also revealed she is a fan of American Top-40 music and action heroes. She added that her favorite movie is The Avengers, according to the Daily Beacon account. “There are basically no comic book, action hero movies I haven’t seen,” Kagan said.

Kagan also talked about the difficulties faced by her female predecessors, the Knoxville News Sentinel reports in a separate story. “And to tell you the truth,” she added, “there were also things I got because I was a woman. I’m not sure I’d be sitting here, I’m not sure I would have been President Obama’s nominee if I were not a woman and if he wasn’t as committed as he was to ensuring there was diversity on the Supreme Court.”

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