Constitutional Law

GOP Senators in Wis. Do End Run Around Absent Dems, Find Way to Vote on Collective Bargaining Bill

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State lawmakers in Wisconsin have been stymied in their efforts to pass a so-called budget repair bill by the absence of 14 Democrats, who fled to Illinois several weeks ago to avoid voting on the controversial legislation.

But today the state’s GOP senators found a way to vote to eliminate most collective bargaining rights for government workers in Wisconsin, reports the Associated Press.

Stripping the portion of the legislation that concerns bargaining rights from the rest of the bill, a special conference committee approved that one portion. Then the senate immediately convened and passed the measure.

The conference committee’s only Democrat complained to no avail that the session violated open meetings law. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers said it was okay for them to pass this section of the bill because it involved no state spending.

The vote apparently passed muster under state law today because a smaller quorum of lawmakers is required to vote on non-financial measures, according to CNN.

Additional coverage: “Republican Senators in Wis. Vote to Authorize Arrest of AWOL Democratic Colleagues”

Journal Sentinel: “Demonstrators crowd Capitol in wild scene after Senate vote”

Wisconsin State Journal: “GOP senators vote to start imposing fines on 14 missing Democrats”

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