Former Law Student Puts Naming Rights--to Himself--on eBay
A former 1L is trying to raise money to pay off his student debt through an eBay listing that auctions the right to legally change his name.
Seller Jason Madsen lists a $75,000 minimum bid for his naming rights, Above the Law reports. “I, Jason Madsen, will legally change my name for two years to whatever the highest bidder wants,” he writes in his eBay ad. “If you want my first name to be ‘Bob’s Supermarket’ and my last name to be ‘.com’ I’m cool with that, or if you want the first to name to be an entire business name—whatever works.” He also offers to drive a car and wear clothing bearing the logos or messages of the winning bidder.
According to Above the Law, Madsen completed his first year at Charlotte School of Law, but didn’t enroll his second year when his GradPlus loans were denied. Madsen tells ATL he has about $60,000 in law school debt and $40,000 in undergrad debt. A law school spokesperson confirmed that Madsen was a student there last year.
Madsen doesn’t want to return to law school. “I simply want to pay off my debt and put everything behind me,” he tells ATL.